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New Zealand

Area: 268 680 km2
Population: 4 459 000
Capital: Wellington
Border countries: noone
Money: NZD

Country's codes:
International phone code for New Zealand: +64
Standart ISO 3166-1:
3 letters
2 letters (internet domain)
digital country code
Standart EAN-13 (country barcode): 940-949 Barcode
Olympic country code: NZL Olympic country code
FIFA code: NZL FIFA code

flag New Zealand   coat of arms New Zealand

New Zealand on map
Largest cities
shown 20 of 137 cities
New Zealand - full city listcities
Name Population
Auckland1 208 094
Manukau401 883
Christchurch360 765
capital Wellington360 624
North Shore273 594
Waitakere206 244
Hamilton203 400
Napier-Hastings118 404
Dunedin111 000
Tauranga108 882
Lower Hutt97 653
Palmerston North76 029
Nelson56 367
Rotorua53 766
Porirua51 537
New Plymouth49 271
Whangarei49 080
Invercargill46 773
Whanganui38 988
Upper Hutt37 875
more city info...cities

map of New Zealand

Click on map to enlarge it (in a new window)
map of

money of New Zealand: NZD